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What Activities Can Cause Plantar Fasciitis

As we spend more time inside this summer and master our at-home exercise routines, it’s also important to be careful while exercising in order to avoid injuries. Trying a new exercise and simply starting the day can be difficult for those with plantar fasciitis. According to Harvard Medical School, plantar fasciitis is “one of the most common causes of heel pain in adults. Plantar fasciitis affects more than two million people each year in the United States, and the majority of them are women” (Easing the pain of plantar fasciitis). Various activities can cause plantar fasciitis including long-distance running, ballet or aerobic dance, and spending long duration on your feet. In this post, we will highlight which activities are likely to cause plantar fasciitis, symptoms, treatment, and more. 

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is when the fascia located below the foot, also known as the plantar area becomes inflamed. The fascia is the tissue that goes all the way from your heel to toes. It is considered a disorder that has to do with the connective tissue used to support the foot arch. When this tissue becomes inflamed, the heel and bottom of the foot will feel painful. This includes when you take steps, walk, or rest. The pain can also travel up to the leg, specifically the shins when the feet and toes are bent. 

Causes & Risks

This pain can occur when you overwork the plantar fascia. Pulling on or pressure from various activities can cause a bruise, a tear, or swelling in that area. Here’s a list of activities that may cause plantar fascia:

  • Running – including sprints or long distance
  • Jumping – from exercises, jump-rope, or dance
  • Ballet dances
  • Aerobic dances
  • Extended periods of standing

According to WebMD, some may be at greater risk of plantar fascia if they are female, middle-aged, have high arched or flat feet, are overweight, often wear high heels or have tight Achilles tendons. Older age becomes a factor as the feet lose elasticity over time. According to Healthline, “If you’re a long-distance runner, you may be more likely to develop plantar fascia problems” You can be at greater risk if you have a more “active job that involves being on your feet often, such as working in a factory or being a restaurant server”. These factors all add additional pressure on the feet, specifically the plantar surface. 

Diagnosis & Treatment

If you believe you may have plantar fasciitis and decide to visit the doctor, here’s what you need to know about the diagnosis. Once they know your symptoms the doctor will take a look at the foot and confirm the diagnosis. In this procedure, the doctor will likely press the toes backward and attempt to draw out the pain with their hand. In most cases, pain is localized to a certain region of the foot or heel. They may also give you some exercises to practice which will help ease the pain. These exercises are great tools to prevent and treat plantar fasciitis as well. They include toe curls, ankle curls, and everyday stretching. Stretching daily is a great habit to incorporate into your routine to increase mobility. It can also be a great way to take time for yourself to unwind. 

Most cases of Plantar Fasciitis can be treated at home but there are many resources for those looking for Plantar fasciitis treatment in Los Angeles. Things to remember include reducing inflammation by applying ice to the bottom of the feet frequently. If the pain is very intense, anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin are another option. As always, consult your doctor before taking any medications. Another tip is to support your foot and protect your heel. This includes everything from practicing stretching exercises to wearing the right supportive shoes. Shoes with a cushioned sole are a good option to keep your feet supported. 

We hope you found this post helpful when it comes to causes of plantar fasciitis, diagnosis, and treatment. This is a common affliction that is calmed and remedied frequently and smoothly. We urge you to continue exercising and practicing your favorite physical activities, but also encourage you to incorporate daily stretching and practices to prevent any kind of injuries. 

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