location icon18840 Ventura Blvd Ste 211, Tarzana, CA 91356

location icon 867 W Lancaster Blvd. Lancaster, CA 93534


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Surgery Room



A fracture is a partial or complete break in any bone in the body. Ankle Fractures can be less serious such as avulsion injuries (small pieces of bone that have been pulled off) to severe crush breaks of the tibia, fibula, or both.

Ankle fractures are common injuries that are most often caused by the ankle rolling inward, outward or direct trauma. Many people mistake an ankle fracture symptoms for an ankle sprain, but they are quite different and therefore require an accurate and early diagnosis.

Before Ankle Fracture Treatment Image


Usually ankle fractures are referred to as unimalleolar (fracture of one area ankle bone), bimalloelar (fracture of areas two ankle bones), trimalloelar (facture of 3 areas of the ankle) or a Pilon (many fragments of the ankle) fracture.  In most cases bimalloelar fractures undergo surgery or if there is a large gap in the fractures surgery will be indicated for all ankle fractures. The goal of surgery is to restore and stabilize the ankle joint in order to slow down the development of arthritis.


At first you will need to follow the R.I.C.E. protocol:

  • Rest: Stay off the injured ankle.
  • Ice: Apply an ice pack to the injured area for 20 minutes once every 2-4 hours 2-4 weeks
  • Compression: An elastic wrap should be used to control swelling.
  • Elevation: The ankle should be raised slightly above the level of your heart to reduce swelling.
  • Immobilization. Certain fractures are treated by protecting and restricting the ankle and foot in a cast or splint, patient is also non weight bearing


If the ankle fracture surgery is indicated, the fracture is reduced (reposition the fracture) into a normal alignment and position, then screws and (or) plates will be used to hold the bone fragments together while they heal. In severe cases an external fixator (fixation on the outside of the body) may be used in order to stabilize the ankle. Usually, it takes 6 weeks for the bone to heal.

We encourage you to consult with foot and ankle specialist for a complete assessment and treatment of you condition

Dr. Jones Hormozi at Valley Foot & Ankle Center (VFAC) utilizes state-of-the-art technology, minimally invasive procedures, and advanced techniques to prevent and treat all conditions of the foot and ankle. This allows most patients to walk immediately after most procedures, and they are able to rapidly return to high levels of functioning with excellent outcomes.

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Dr. Jones Hormozi is a Board Certified Podiatrist in Los Angeles. Dr. Hormozi is known for treating sports injuries in patients of all ages. He has treated and operated on professional athletes, semi professional athletes, college athletes and high school athletes. Dr. Hormozi is also Clinical Assistant Professor of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery at Western University of Health Sciences.

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