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Surgery Room



A  bunionette is also known as a tailor’s bunion. The term tailor’s bunion comes from the position of a tailor sitting in a cross-legged position.  Bunionettes form when the fifth toe (smallest toe) moves out of alignment and towards the fourth toe, usually there is an bony enlargement of the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint. Friction between the bony prominence and shoe gear can cause discomfort and develop callus, inflammation and pain over the bunionette.  Over time, the movement of the fifth toe can lead to irritation of other toes which may cause deformity of other toes such as hammertoesand deviations of toes. Females are three times more like


Bunionettes can be caused by:

  • Friction and irritation from tight fitting shoes
  • Increased separation between the fourth and fifth metatarsals
  • Enlarged fifth metatarsal head
  • Lateral deviation of the fifth metatarsal
  • Bursa (fluid filled sack) formation over the area
  • Trauma to the area


Many people with bunionette suffer from discomfort and pain from the constant irritation, rubbing and friction of the enlargement against shoes gear. The skin over the toe becomes red, tender, achy and uncomfortable to wear shoes.  Over time corn, callus, bursitis and arthritis may develop.


  • X-ray: May be needed to determine the size, severity of the deformity and to determine if there is any arthritis.


Bunionette is a bony deformity, which does not resolve. The goal for bunionette treatment is twofold: first, to relieve the pressure and pain cause by irritations, and second to stop any progressive growth of the enlargement. Commonly used methods for reducing pressure and pain caused by bunionette includes:

  • The use of protective padding, often made from felt material, to eliminate the friction against shoes and help alleviate inflammation and skin problems.
  • Removal of corns and calluses on the foot.
  • Changing to carefully-fitted / wider footwear designed to accommodate the bunionette and not contribute toward its growth.
  • Orthotic devices—both over the counter and custom made—to help stabilize the joint and place the foot in the correct position for walking and standing.
  • Exercises to maintain joint mobility and prevent stiffness or arthritis.
  • Toe Splints for nighttime wear to help the toes and joint align properly. This is often recommended for pediatric and adolescents with bunionette, because their bone development may still be adaptable.


Depending on the size of the enlargement of the bunionette, malalignment of the fifth toe and amount of pain experienced, conservative treatments may not be adequate to prevent progressive damage from bunionette.  In these cases, bunionette surgery known as a tailor’s bunionectomy may be advised to remove the bunionette and realign the toe.

We encourage you to consult with a foot and ankle specialist for a complete assessment of your condition.

Dr. Jones Hormozi at Valley Foot & Ankle Center (VFAC) utilizes state-of-the-art technology, minimally invasive procedures, and advanced techniques to prevent and treat all conditions of the foot and ankle. This allows most patients to walk immediately after most procedures, and they are able to rapidly return to high levels of functioning with excellent outcomes.

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Dr. Jones Hormozi is a Board Certified Podiatrist in Los Angeles. Dr. Hormozi is known for treating sports injuries in patients of all ages. He has treated and operated on professional athletes, semi professional athletes, college athletes and high school athletes. Dr. Hormozi is also Clinical Assistant Professor of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery at Western University of Health Sciences.

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