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Protecting Yourself From Coronavirus

CoronaVirus (COVID-19) has recently been declared a Pandemic by the World Health Organization. At the time of writing, Italy is under complete lockdown. The panic is spreading as events are being canceled all across the world to prevent the spread of the virus.

But what can you do to limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect yourself?

Wash Your Hands

Soap and water is the best and most effective way to make sure your hands are clean and that the virus has been destroyed. You should wash your hands with soap and water for around 20 seconds. The enzymes in soap breakdown the protective coating of the virus and the water wash it away.

Social Distancing

To avoid exposing yourself unnecessarily, you should attempt to keep some distance between yourself and others, especially if someone is showing symptoms. We’ve seen large events canceled for this very reason.

Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces

If you have disinfecting wipes or spray you should use them on surfaces that are touched often like keyboards or doorknobs. Keep the world around you clean and disinfected.

Steps To Protect Others

To combat COVID-19 and prevent it from spreading to more vulnerable members of our community, we all have to do what’s best for the people around us.

Stay Home If You’re Feeling Sick

While the symptoms of COVID-19 might appear to be another lesser illness, the risk of further transmission is too high. Stay home if you’re feeling unwell.

Cover Your Mouth and Nose When You Cough or Sneeze

When you cough or sneeze, it’s best to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or to do it into your elbow. You don’t want to use your hands unless there’s no other option as they can spread the virus on to other surfaces.

Wear A Facemask

This only applies if you are sick. If you are healthy, a facemask does nothing for you, and it deprives a healthcare professional of a mask that they can use to treat the very ill. If you are sick, though, you should wear a facemask to help prevent accidental spread.

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