Our calf muscle and heel bone are connected together with a special fibrous cord called Achilles tendon. This respective tendon is a strong one that supports your movements when running, jumping and walking. This tendon is vulnerable to be damaged if it is weakened or thinned. In fact, middle-aged individuals (particularly the male athletes) are more likely to experience Achilles rupture compared to youngsters. Specifically, those who play sports that require running, jumping and pivoting are more likely to have Achilles rupture. Also individuals with medical conditions such as: diabetes, high cholesterol, on immunosuppressant medications (rheumatoid arthritis, cancer medication or radiation) are more likely to have Achilles tendon rupture symptoms as well.
Achilles rupture is the condition in which can be a complete Achilles tendon tear or a partial tear. Mostly patients will feel a really sharp pain in the Achilles tendon, or most say it feels like a “kick.” In cases, some patients even heard it snapping. Many of the Achilles ruptures are missed diagnosis.
As mentioned before, one of the most obvious symptoms of Achilles rupture is experiencing a sharp pain in the Achilles tendon. This pain is pretty much similar to the pain you experience after being powerfully hit by something. Even a snapping noise will be noticeable in many of the occasions. Once ruptured, you may notice a substantial gap (about 5 cm) in the Achilles tendon. The area of the rupture will begin to swell and eventually become bruised. Eventually, the patient will lose the function of the respective foot and he or she will begin to limp severely. Although, many individuals can still walk or even run after an Achilles rupture probably with the assistance of the adjoining muscles. Achilles tendon rupture can be a life long problem if not treated probably.
Achilles rupture can be diagnosed using several methods. Listed below are those methods.
- The patient will be asked to lie down (face down). The feet of the patient will be positioned to hang over the age of the therapy couch. A foot and ankle specialist like Dr. Jones Hormozi at Valley Foot & Ankle Center will be able to identify the differences between the injured and non-injured feet; non-injured foot will maintain plantar flexed position while the injured foot maintains a slightly differentposture. To the trained eye of the Dr.Hormozi, identifying Achilles rupture is a pretty easy task.
- A weakened plantar flexion is another symptom
- Through Thompson’s squeeze test.
Dr. Jones Hormozi at Valley Foot & Ankle Center (VFAC) uses minimally invasive procedures, and advanced techniques to treat Achilles tendon rupture. If the gap of the rupture is less then 2 cm long, Dr. Hormozi will perform surgery that only requires a 1 cm incision, using minimal invasive technique. Performing minimal invasive repair will allow patients to return to activity at a much faster rate then the tradition open technique. The minimal invasive technique will allow also allow patients to return to high levels of functioning with excellent outcomes. Another technique which Dr. Hormozi uses to repair Achilles tendon rupture is applying biological grafts, this is a technique which also promotes faster healing and speedy recovery.
We encourage you to consult with a foot and ankle specialist for a complete assessment of your condition.

Dr. Jones Hormozi is a Board Certified Podiatrist in Los Angeles. Dr. Hormozi is known for treating sports injuries in patients of all ages. He has treated and operated on professional athletes, semi professional athletes, college athletes and high school athletes. Dr. Hormozi is also Clinical Assistant Professor of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery at Western University of Health Sciences.
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